What Is Matterport

Matterport is a compact platform that adds ease and convenience to the designers’ lives. They often refer to it as the standard for 3D space capture. This is undoubtedly an excellent description of the tool.

The platform has existed since 2011 and since then has continued to be upgraded and updated to bring out the best 3D experience to all those who need it. This includes everyone from people who desire to make their spaces more digitally tangible to Fortune 500 companies spread over more than 150 different countries. 

Ever since the start, Matterport has helped hundreds of thousands of firms and individuals. This platform has been vastly used to process billions of photos and transform them into 3-dimensional models.

Thanks to its brilliant pricing and powerful features pack, this tool is growing in popularity every single day. Using this tool, you can transform real-life spaces into their twin models in the digital realm.

You may be thinking of it as a panoramic scan of what lies ahead of you. However, Matterport has much more to offer than just that. This incredible platform enables you to develop, capture, and link the different areas, such as rooms and convert them into collaborative 3D space models.

Features of Matterport

Here are the most noteworthy features of Matterport:

●     Mattertags: these are the notes, links, e-commerce workflows, and videos embedded in the model.

●     Dollhouse views: completely photorealistic and interactive 3-dimensional floor plan outlooks resemble a dollhouse.

●     MatterPak: the Matterport cloud allows you to import, download, and edit digital assets.

●     Sharing and commenting features: enables you to collaborate efficiently and communicate data to others. You can also leave notes for yourself. 

●     Blur Brush for privacy: you may want to safeguard people's privacy and personal details, which is why this is an essential tool. 

●     Measuring feature: you can use this feature to accurately measure anything once you have the 3D model.

Who Can Use Matterport?

Matterport is a brilliant platform on a company and individual level, and this tool is bound to make your lives easier. The industries that use Matterport the most are as follows:

●      Real estate

●      3D photography

●      Restoration and insurance

●      Retail

●      Hospitality and Travel

●      Facilities management

●      Engineers and architects

●      Homeowners 

However, this list certainly doesn’t limit anyone who is an architect or works in real estate or tourism from using this tool solely. If you need to revolutionize a tangible space into its digital replica, Matterport is one of the most simple-to-learn and go-to platforms.


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