How to Save a Matterport Virtual Tour

Indeed, developments in digital technology are significantly modifying the real estate industry. Not long ago, real estate agents and property buyers had to schedule visits weeks and months ahead of time to see what the house looked like. Then, with the emergence of exquisite real estate photography, the different angles and aspects of a property could easily be exhibited.

Still, despite the presence of photographs eliminating the need for buyers to visit the actual property, there are shortcomings. For instance, pictures can be edited to enhance the real thing. With photographs, potential buyers also could not take virtual trips around the property and observe it up close. Instead, they had to work with whatever they were being presented with. 

This is where Matterport 3D virtual tour enters in. Thanks to this novel discovery, real estate agents have figured out a new and incredible way of marketing all their listings to their most esteemed buyers. This guide looks at what these virtual tours can do for your buyers and how you can save Matterport virtual tours for offline use.

3D Virtual Tours Have Revolutionized the Real Estate Industry

Whether you want to give your most valuable buyers the feeling of a new home, exhibit the incredible wonders of your venue to patrons and event planners, or help guests start envisioning their stay in their dream home, Matterport virtual tours can help you conduct your business more efficiently and on a grander scale. 

3D virtual tours have taken modern-day businesses to an entirely new dimension. Now, with Matterport 3D virtual tours, you can mesmerize your clients like never before. Buyers are 300% more engrossed with a Matterport 3-dimensional virtual tour than they are with 2-dimensional pictures.

A 3D virtual tour enables you to create a better and more enjoyable experience, ultimately resulting in more significant revenues and happier and deeply satisfied customers. 

How to Save Matterport Virtual Tours

3D virtual tours can easily be saved, and the same can be done with your Matterport 3D virtual tour. Just click on the app store, look for Matterport 3D Showcase, and download this application on your device. Once installed on your device, you can simply download all your 3D Virtual tours and have a look at them.

To download a virtual tour, you will be required to enter your Tour ID for the property. For this, you will simply need to email the 3D Tour’s property address, and you will receive the Tour ID via email.

What Matterport 3D Virtual Tours Can Do For Your Business

There are so many things that Matterport 3D virtual tours can do for your real-estate business. Let’s look at them:

74% of agents gain more listings with Matterport.

3D virtual tours aid agents in earning more by selling properties quicker and at more significant prices in the real estate sector.

●     Sell properties at a 4% to 9% higher selling price. 

●     99% of sellers claim that 3D tours give their listing a competitive advantage.

●     95% of people are more likely to inquire about a 3D tour.

14% rise in revenue with Matterport.

For holiday homes and hotels, virtual 3D tours can boost engagement rates, drive greater occupancy rates, and increase bookings, giving guests a taste of what to expect.

Increase event bookings

For public places such as galleries and museums, a virtual tour enables event planners to make more well-thought-out booking decisions by providing a thoroughly detailed, immersive 3-dimensional vision of the ideal location.

By allowing planners to explore and see sites in immersive 3D, you’ll be able to book more events and save a significant amount of time on in-person visits.



What Is 3D Photography?